Project Overview
In June 2004, the Smart Water Fund awarded the Baking Industry Association of Victoria (BIAV) a grant to investigate ways of improving water use practices in Victorian Bakeries.
The research was undertaken by the BIAV and Monash University’s Department of Management. The project involved two stages:
- Stage 1 included the Auditing of Water Usage in a selection of Bakeries. As a result of the audit, Water Wise Programswere developed, implemented and monitored for those participating bakeries.
- Stage 2 of the Project entailed the promotion of the Water Wise Programs through the design and production of a “Smart Water Practice Guide – Helping the Baking Industry improve water efficiency”, to assist bakeries to become conscious of water saving initiatives and become smarter by using water in a sustainable way.
The Smart Water Practice Guide provides practical adviceon actions bakers can take to save water and money starting immediately through simple changes in bakery practices, which involve little or no capital investment. In the longer term, the water saving initiatives can become part of the baker’s overall plans for improvements and upgrades at the bakery. The Guide is available under the publications tab.