Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality, Free State Province, South Africa – Indirect and direct potable reuse project due to supply 600,000 people
The Maselspoort Water Reuse Project is an indirect and direct potable reuse project that seeks to augment the limited yield of the existing surface water source water supply system supplying the greater Mangaung area in South Africa.
The existing conventional Maselspoort Water Treatment Works will undergo significant treatment process upgrades over the course of the next few years in order to enable water reuse for potable supply.
The project is planned for completion in the next three to five years in several project phases with the first phase commencing in 2024.
It will supply potable water to Bloemfontein, with a population of roughly 600,000 people. Approximately 30% of Bloemfontein’s population will be supplied with potable water from the reuse plant (reuse water will be blended into the system).
There is no visitor centre currently as the project is an active construction site. However, the Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality will be happy to facilitate study tours of the plant and construction project.
Location pin drops of key system elements as follows:
North-Eastern Wastewater Treatment Works (source of treated wastewater effluent):
Bloemspruit Wastewater Treatment Works (secondary source of treated wastewater effluent):
Maselspoort Water Treatment Works
(DPR / IPR reuse treatment plant):
Mockes Dam
(Interim surface water dam if DPR bypass is not used):