Our history

Water360 is operated by the Water Services Association of Australia for the benefit of the Australian water industry and the wider Australian public. Water360 originally evolved from an international collaboration between the Australian Water Recycling Centre of Excellence (AWRCoE) and The Water Research Foundation (formerly WateReuse Research Foundation) a partnership which aimed to help increase acceptance of potable reuse as an option to augmenting drinking supplies.

Many of the resources, maps, and tools were developed and co-funded in partnership with The Water Research Foundation (formerly WateReuse Research Foundation). The contents of the original Water360, which are still part of this more comprehensive site, consist of high-quality community education products and engagement tools that were developed by universities and research institutions internationally.

While the AWRCoE is no longer in operation, the research output has been made available here on this site. The original web-site, reports etc. are also archived on Trove at: Australian Water Recycling Centre of Excellence.

In 2017, Water360 transferred to Australian WaterSecure Innovations Ltd, a not-for-profit company, where it was expanded into a ‘total water cycle’ knowledge-sharing platform in collaboration with Australian and international organisations.

In 2020, Water360 was given a new brief by the Water Services Association of Australia, to provide a portal to the latest and most relevant information available for the Australian water industry. The reinvigorated Water360, supported by WSAA, aims to be an invaluable first stop in your search for information that will help you in your day to day work.


About WSAA


The Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) is the peak industry body representing the urban water industry. Our members provide water and sewerage services to over 20 million customers in Australia and New Zealand and many of Australia’s largest industrial and commercial enterprises.

Based around our vision of ‘customer driven, enriching life’, WSAA facilitates collaboration, knowledge sharing, networking and cooperation within the urban water industry. We are proud of the collegiate attitude of our members which has led to industry-wide approaches to national water issues.

WSAA can demonstrate success in the standardisation of industry performance monitoring and benchmarking, as well as many research outcomes of national significance. The WSAA Executive retains strong links with policy makers and legislative bodies and their influencers, to monitor emerging issues of importance to the urban water industry.

WSAA was formed in 1995 as a non-profit organisation to foster the exchange of information between industry, government and the community, and to promote sustainable water resource management.


For queries about the Water360 website contact:

Dale Watson, Manager, Member Engagement
E: [email protected]

For information about the Water Services Association of Australia contact:

Melbourne Office

Level 8 | Suite 8.02 | 401 Docklands Drive | Docklands | VIC | 3008

Sydney Office

Level 6, 75 Elizabeth St, Sydney NSW, 2000
GPO Box 915 | Sydney | NSW | 2001

E: [email protected]