About the AWRCoE Knowledge Hub Research Projects List of Publications Corporate Publications

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Water360 contains the research outputs from the Australian Water Recycling Centre of Excellence (the Centre) during its period of operation from 2009 until it’s last days in 2016. Our main ambition was to make sure that the great work done by many people over the life of the Centre remained easily discoverable by the water industry. The Centre also produced a range of communications, including newsletters and project updates. If you are interested, the entire website is archived on Trove.



The Centre  was a national research organisation established to enhance the efficiency, expansion and acceptance of water recycling in Australia through industry, government and research partnerships.

By investing in a portfolio of industry-relevant research projects across the full water recycling spectrum, the Centre developed practical solutions to secure Australia’s future water supply and, at the same time, build awareness and understanding in the community about the role water recycling can play as a climate resilient water source. The Centre  also worked with key stakeholders to maximise benefits of urban water research nationally and ensure a sustainable research and development program into the long term.


The Centre was established in December 2009 and officially launched in March 2010. Under a funding agreement with the Australian Government, the Centre received $20 million under the Government’s National Urban Water and Desalination Plan. Following the launch, the Centre and its founding participants – Seqwater, GHD Pty Ltd, Veolia Water Australia, the University of Queensland, Griffith University, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and the University of NSW, together with Melbourne Water – collaborated to grow the Centre. This included the establishment of an administering organisation, Australian Water Recycling Centre of Excellence Ltd, a not-for-profit subsidiary of Seqwater.

During the first six months of 2010, the Centre was in its establishment phase. In this period the Australian Water Recycling Centre of Excellence Ltd entered into contracts with the Commonwealth, established its governance, finance and management arrangements, constituted its Research Advisory Committee and developed and received Board endorsement of its inaugural Strategic Research Plan. The outcomes of this phase were reported in the Centre’s first annual report released in September 2010.

From July 2010 to June 2014, the Centre entered a significant project investment, management and reporting phase, with the Centre’s Research Advisory Committee guiding the development of technical scopes, funding calls and evaluation processes for nationally competitive funding rounds. This phase resulted in funding for the majority of the Centre’s research projects and the outcomes of this phase were reported in the Centre’s second, third, fourth and fifth annual reports released in September 2011-2014. During this period the Centre also began publishing supplementary project reports outlining progress with the Centre’s research and development program.

At the end of the 2014-15 financial year the Centre had completed the majority of its research investments, was accelerating its efforts to define and exploit project outcomes and had initiated industry discussions to identify the most appropriate mechanisms to support the continued development, testing and implementation of relevant IP.

In the 2015-16 financial year the Centre published the outcomes of all its research projects, assigned the IP to Australian water sector organisations, and developed and communicated its legacy arrangements to the Australian and international water sectors. During this year the Centre also fulfilled its obligations to the Commonwealth and began to prepare its final milestone report including the final report on the activities and achievements of the Australian Water Recycling Centre of Excellence.

If you’re interested in the history of water reuse and recycling in Australia there is a very interesting paper by John Radcliffe and Declan Page here. It also provides some of the history and context for the AWRCoE.


To be  recognised as a world leader in research and promotion of sustainable water recycling.


To enhance management and use of water recycling through industry and research partnerships, build capacity and capability within the recycled water industry, and promote water recycling as a socially, environmentally and economically sustainable option for future water security.


Leadership – undertake and promote leadership of the water recycling research agenda in Australia

Communication – understand and communicate the benefits of considering the full range of water recycling opportunities for scheme implementation

Education – build the skills and technical capacity and capability within utility, regulator and private industry and research organisations

Efficiency – seek and promote enhanced efficiency and innovation within water recycling industry and research in Australia


The Centre was administered by Australian Water Recycling Centre of Excellence Limited, a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee.

The company was governed by a Board of Directors and managed by the CEO. The Centre’s investment strategy was guided by a Research Advisory Committee which comprised delegates from distinguished water industry entities that represent a collaboration of commercial and research interests.


Seqwater, a State of Queensland Statutory Authority and the provider of safe and secure, climate-resilient water sources to South East Queensland, was the administrative organisation of the national research Centre.

More information can be found within the Centre’s corporate reports, strategies and plans, available here.

About the AWRCoE Knowledge Hub Research Projects List of Publications Corporate Publications