Carpentaria Valley Water District, California, USA – Planned groundwater augmentation
The Carpinteria Advanced Purification Project is an indirect potable reuse project in the Carpinteria Valley, located along the southern coast of Santa Barbara County, California, USA.
Once it has been constructed, treated wastewater will be purified, injected into the Carpinteria Groundwater Basin, and extracted for drinking by the Carpinteria Valley Water District.
The water district provides drinking water to all residential, commercial, and agricultural customers in the Carpinteria Valley. Its existing sources include a local surface water reservoir, the State Water Project (imported surface water), and the Carpinteria Groundwater Basin. The Carpinteria Advanced Purification Project will provide a reliable, drought-proof, locally-controlled supply to augment the water district’s existing sources.
Purified water produced by this project will constitute approximately 25% of the water district’s supply and will serve approximately 16,000 people. The Carpinteria Valley Water District is the lead agency of the project and is collaborating with the Carpinteria Sanitary District, which will operate the advanced water purification facility.
Additional information can be found at