Central Coast Blue Regional Recycled Water Authority, California, USA – Planned Groundwater Augmentation
Central Coast Blue is a regional water reuse project that will create a new, local water supply and protect the Santa Maria Groundwater Basin from seawater intrusion. This collaborative, multiphase effort will benefit southern San Luis Obispo County for generations to come.
Recent drought impacts have highlighted the need for a sustainable, drought-resilient source of supply to ensure that reliable water supplies will be available for future extended droughts. Currently, wastewater from the Pismo Beach Wastewater Treatment Plant and the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Wastewater Treatment Plant is being treated and discharged to the ocean. Central Coast Blue will provide an opportunity to capture this lost water and use it to recharge the Santa Maria Groundwater Basin to create a drought-resilient, sustainable water supply for the participating project partners.
Additional information about the project may be found at www.centralcoastblue.com.