Essex and Suffolk Water, Essex, United Kingdom: Operating ‘put and take’ river augmentation scheme in use during droughts
Langford Recycling Scheme is an indirect potable reuse scheme, based at Langford Water Treatment Works, Essex, United Kingdom.
The source for water reuse is the secondary sewage effluent from the Chelmsford Sewage Treatment Works.
The Recycling plant consists of four stage tertiary treatment to remove phosphate by chemical treatment, nitrification and denitrification by biological treatment as well as ultra violet disinfection.
The Langford Recycling Scheme is a put and take scheme, providing up to 30 million litres (7.9 million gallons) a day of high-quality raw water to argument the River Chelmer. The same volume of water is then abstracted at Langford Pumping station for drinking water supply.
The scheme has been operating since 2003 during the droughts.
Langford Recycling Scheme Paper