Tri-Valley Agencies, California, USA – Exploring purified recycled water options for the future
The Tri-Valley’s water supply portfolio consists of imported State Water Project water, groundwater, local surface water, and recycled water for non-drinking purposes.
The Tri-Valley is reliant on imported water; in an average year, 70% of the Tri-Valley’s water supply is imported from the State Water Project. Adding purified recycled water to the Tri-Valley’s water supply portfolio will reduce the region’s reliance on imported water and bolster drought resiliency.
The Tri-Valley Agencies are evaluating purified recycled water as a new water supply. In 2016, the Tri-Valley Agencies completed the Joint Tri-Valley Potable Reuse Feasibility Study and found that potable reuse was technically feasible in the Tri-Valley and recommended future studies for continued evaluation of potable reuse.
One of the recommended studies is the Desktop Groundwater Contaminant Mobilization Study and is being completed by Zone 7 Water Agency in 2024.