Project Round
Project Number
42R - 2035
Research Organisation
Hotel Motel Association of AustraliaHotel Motel Association of Australia

Water Smart Tourism – Saving Water in Regional Motels

The Hotel Motel Association of Australia (HMAA) is the representative body for the accommodation industry. Like many industries accommodation providers, particularly those in severely drought affected regional areas, need to implement water conservation measures.

Project Overview

This project aims to clearly demonstrate the benefits of regional motel businesses implementing water saving technologies in accommodation premises.

HMAA’s project will include the audit, retrofit, monitoring and assessment of water and cost savings for 8 motels in different regions across Victoria. Water audits will look for water saving opportunities in kitchens, bathrooms, laundries and surrounding grounds.

The project will seek to involve 6 motels (with at least 25 rooms each) and 2 motels (with at least 50 rooms each). The project will seek to achieve approx 3.75 ML per year of potable water from the 8 case study motels.

A key element of the project will be market research on customers that have experienced the water wise accommodation facilities to test receptivity to water conservation and satisfaction levels of the accommodation that is fitted with water efficient appliances.

The accommodation industry is commonly reluctant to implement initiatives that may compromise the satisfaction of the customer. This project will help the industry understand the needs and tolerance levels of its customers.

These case studies and market research results will be promoted to Victoria’s 500 regional accommodation enterprises through the HMAA.