The Annual WateReuse Symposium is the most important global conference about water recycling.

The Symposium attracts water professionals and reuse practitioners globally to collaborate, share findings, and envision the future of water reuse. The 2023 Symposium is taking place in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, on 6-8 March. The program for the in-person event is here.

 The Symposium is offering a robust online session recordings platform. Register now to gain access to the online recordings portal, launching April 10, 2023. WSAA members and associates can receive a $300 USD member discount off the marked price for recorded sessions by entering the discount code “WSAA23Symp” upon registration.

Seven technical session tracks will highlight how utilities and businesses large and small can benefit from water recycling, including the opportunities it can provide for underserved communities. From multi-agency programs to building-level treatment systems, the Symposium will explore how businesses, industries, and communities can work together to implement water recycling programs to ensure environmental, economic, and public health resilience for diverse communities and beneficial uses. A special plenary conversation will highlight voices from the business community, including PepsiCo and Amazon Web Services, discussing how water reuse can help corporations achieve their stated environmental goals and improve their bottom lines. The event is planned in collaboration with The Water Research Foundation and will include engaging sessions on the latest reuse-related research projects.


Contact [email protected] with any questions!