Performance Auditing in the Australian Urban Water Industry

This report was produced for the Urban Water Research Association of Australia, a now discontinued research program.

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Performance Auditing in the Australian Urban Water Industry

Report No UWRAA 35

November 1991


This study was undertaken under Urban Water Research Association grant no EF 11. In summary, the following matters were addressed:

The Project Team undertook a survey of the issues facing the water industry since these concerns impact on the services required of internal audit units. The issues identified covered a wide ambit and included administrative, technical and commercial matters.

Performance auditing was identified as a means of assisting water industry managers to improve the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of their operations.

A snapshot of the status, range and scope of the internal auditing in the water industry has been provided.

The view of Chief Executive Officers (CEO’s) was also sought using an interview and questionnaire technique. CEO’s recognised the need for some form of internal review process however the benefits which could be directly attributed to internal audit were not always clearly identified.

Auditors-General were also consulted by the Project Team. There was a generally perceived need for an increased internal audit presence to promote accountability in water industry bodies.

The professional development needs of internal audit managers and staff was identified as a critical factor in improving the level of service provided by internal audit units.

The project team identified a number of positive messages, challenges and issues which need to be further addressed by the professional associations, internal audit managers and through further research.

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