Water Use Efficiency of Domestic Appliances

This report was produced for the Urban Water Research Association of Australia, a now discontinued research program.

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Water Use Efficiency of Domestic Appliances

Report no. UWRAA 07

December 1989


This research project was undertaken under the auspices of the Urban Water Research Association of Australia. The purpose of this project was to analyse the water usage characteristics associated with domestic water using appliances, and also provide an insight into the potential water savings that can be achieved by careful consideration in the selection of such appliances.

The principle objectives of this project were to investigate the water efficiency of water using appliances, and to subsequently develop a strategy that will promote the use of water efficient appliances.

Preliminary work included the identification and collation of all available information relating to domestic water using appliances, and the examination of various means of promoting a strategy to encourage the consumer to use more water efficient products.

To establish appropriate strategies for increasing the efficiency of these appliances it was necessary to directly liaise with the manufacturers/importers/distributors of domestic water-using appliances, Standards Association of Australia and others.

Showerheads were subsequently identified as being one of the largest single users of water in the home, and it was therefore decided to formalise a strategy to promote the use of more water efficient shower heads within the market place.

A draft Australian Standard was produced and submitted to the Standards Association of Australia. This lead to the formulation of an Australian Standard for Water Efficient Shower Heads which was published on 14 July 1989.

A Water Conservation Rating and Labelling Scheme for domestic appliances has now been developed and was launched throughout Victoria by the Minister for Water Resources on 20 June 1989. Shower heads will be the first available domestic appliance to use this labelling scheme. Clothes washing machines and dishwashing machines have been selected as the next domestic appliances to be permitted to carry a label.

This pilot scheme, implemented by the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works, is to be made available for use Australia wide with a view to gaining acceptance of the concept. The objective is to ultimately develop a nationally recognised scheme which can be extended to include a large range of water using appliances.

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